NMT活动 & 特殊活动请求

All events taking place on NMT campus or in any NMT-owned building are required to 提交一个 NMT活动 & 特殊活动申请表格. This form provides authorization for 的 location of 的 event and also provides 不ice to campus police that 的 activity will be taking place. This applies to both indoor and outdoor events that take place on campus. This form ensures that 的 event meets 的 parameters and requirements of 的 特殊事件的NMT设施协议 除了其他NMT的政策和程序. 建议请求者 检查 Calendar to ensure that 的 intended event location/date/time is 不 already taken or 涂黑.

Events will be scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis during dates that are 不 涂黑. Sandi Lucero will primarily coordinate alumni-related 49er's and Spring 舞活动. The Student Activities Board Director (SAB), in conjunction with 的 SGA, will coordinate 的 student-related 49er's and Spring 舞活动. 







1.   递交网上申请表格: NMT活动 & 特别活动申请表格.

2.   提交任何可能适用的额外租赁表格. 


SAC reservations will 不 be confirmed until 的 club is verified as 信誉良好 由SGA. Single-event reservations must be submitted 30 days prior and will be 接受先到先得原则. SAC只能重复保留 be made one month at a time and requests can only be initiated from 的 25th of 的 前一个月. 这些请求将先到先得. 相应的 NMT活动 & 特殊活动申请表格 for SAC events must also be submitted monthly. SGA在周二暂停. 如果一个俱乐部想在星期五或 Saturdays a request in writing must be made to 的 SGA Vice President (sga.vp@npe.t9111.com)供考虑. If 的 SGA approves 的y will 不ify 辅助服务 and 的 活动将会安排.


注意: Black-out dates occur during 49er's and Spring Fling for 的 SAC, Fidel Atrium, and Macey中心. The SGA is given first priority for events at 的se locations. 如果黑内障 dates are 不 utilized 由SGA, second priority will go to sanctioned student groups 信誉良好.

3.   Once 所有 rental forms are submitted and approved, a confirmation email will be 从 nmtevents@npe.t9111.com 发送到表格上列出的电子邮件地址. 如果申请的是俱乐部活动, 官方的俱乐部电子邮件将包括在内. 任何其他部门、组织和/或 clubs that need to be 不ified of 的 event will be CC'd on 的 confirmation email.

注意: 事件是 to be advertised before a confirmation email has been sent. 如果广告是 posted for a pending event request, 的 primary contact may be asked to remove 的m. 

4.   It is 的 responsibility of students and/or clubs hosting an 通过事件 to 将事件添加到官方列表中 NMT事件Calendar. Any location that uses a Google Calendar to track its events will automatic所有y add your 通过事件 to 的 respective Google Calendar. 教室Calendar可以 在 行为的网站.

5.    Set-up any accommodations for your event, such as catering, custodial services, 等. 看到 住宿指南 了解更多信息. 提交一个 餐饮豁免 如果计划使用非NMT餐饮服务.





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